How To Care For Your Traditional Products From The Bengal Store

Cleaning traditional products made from natural raw materials might be intimidating. How do I correctly take care of these art pieces? If you wish to keep your product in pristine condition, it is vital to understand the material that was used to make it. Since harsh chemicals might damage these handcrafted products, it is important to avoid conventional processes like that. You'll learn the safest cleaning and preservation techniques for traditional Bengali products in this post.

What Kind Of Handicrafts Are We Looking At Here?

Handcrafted products from The Bengal Store are curated to serve a variety of purposes, from home decor items that add an aesthetic value to your home to functional and practical daily-use products. Some of the most popular traditional products from The Bengal Store that you can find in our online and offline stores are:

  • Terracotta dolls
  • Wood and stone-crafted items
  • Clay-made dolls and pottery items
  • Items made from jute
  • Brass and ball metal items
  • Products made from ceramics and more

How Do You Maintain Traditional Products And Crafts You Own?

You might have a few of our handcrafted products in your home or office space, marveling at the cultural significance and intimate elegance of these traditional items. You might wonder about the stories hidden away in the detailed crevices of these products, their history, and their origin. How did these pieces come to be? Who started these traditions, and whose hands carefully constructed the beautiful crafts of this state?
But as time passes, you might notice a layer of dust settling on these decor pieces that so gracefully beautify your home—something that compromises their shine. You might start to worry about the maintenance and care of these products, wondering if you need to hire some external service. But worry not! You are in good hands with us. Not only do we provide you with the highest-quality traditional products, but we also concern ourselves with assisting you with the aftercare.
Read the points below to ensure you clean and maintain your products in the right way:

  • Do Not Use Unknown Chemicals or Cleaning Agents: All of our products are made from natural materials such as clay, wood, or stone. Harsh chemicals may simply ‘ruin’ the finish of the products if you use them as cleaning agents.
  • Do Not Keep Them in Dusty Areas or Direct Sunlight: Do not place the products in direct sunlight or in areas where dust tends to accumulate. Excessive exposure to sunlight might discolour the craft product, while dust might ruin the finish.
  • Clean the Product Regularly: If you do not clean the products regularly, a layer of dust and grime may settle on the products. This is unavoidable in tropical climates where temperatures and humidity are high. If the products are not cleaned regularly, the layers of grime might become difficult to remove. Ensure you are using a piece of microfiber cloth and a soft brush to clean the pieces.
  • Cover them to prevent dust buildup when you’re away: While you are away, protect these cultural artefacts from dirt by covering them with newspapers or cloth. Only use plastic if the area of storage is prone to damping.
  • Oiling and polishing: Artisans use specific oils and polishing agents on these products to preserve their works of art. You can polish stone crafts; however, you should be careful when cleaning your terracotta or wood pieces. Conduct your own research about the raw material and its maintenance before using any substance on the product.

To Conclude

We hope this post helps you take better care of your traditional products, handcrafted with the utmost love and dedication by local artisans from rural Bengal. Always remember that studying the material of the product can give you half the information about cleaning and maintaining it.
If you need more help, feel free to contact us and let us know.