Kolkata Tram Fridge Magnet

280.00 ( Including Delivery )

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 Dimension (w x h)  3 x 4 inches
 Frame Material  Pine Wood


This is a Kolkata specific merchandise in the form of fridge magnets, each measuring 3 x 4 inches and with wooden frames.

Artist Uday Deb has done –taken all the most popular symbols of Kolkata and put them on a set of beautifully mounted, tastefully colourized fridge magnets.

Each artwork piece in Ek Baksho Kolkata is mounted on wooden frames as opposed to plastic or fibre frames. As a result, each of them stands out in a way that is bound to attract attention, and also impart a touch of Kolkata magic to your mundane, everyday fridge.

This collection effortlessly captures the distinctive spirit of Kolkata, all of it in a nostalgic, sepia tone. A set of Kolkata specific merchandise.

This artwork depicts the famous Kolkata Tram!

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